Wednesday, March 3, 2010

This is Your Brain on Love By: Dr. Earl Henslin

If I were you, who is considering reading this, I would just go ahead and buy it. This Is Your Brain On Love was easy to read, fun, entertaining, and I learned a lot. I had heard of SPECT Imaging before from a previously read book by Dr. Amen, which I loved also, and recognized the similarities in the two books. I am most interested in marriage and family so this book just thrilled me the whole time. I believe that anyone interested in a christian view of marriage and brain health would benefit greatly from this book. The tests before each particular brain sections were fun and something I loved that I had never seen done before was his comparison between Jewish and American culture. It got me wanting to learn a lot more about Jewish culture so I think that will be my next rabbit to chase. Awesome book, thanks. Lauren R